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Are you lost @ Spiel? Oh no! Do you want:


→ Try out the official Spiel app (click here for Apple or Android). It has an actual Navigation part (found under exhibitors)!


Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of Earth taken on February 14, 1990, by the Voyager 1 space probe from an unprecedented distance of approximately 6 billion kilometers.

“Look again at that dot. That small mote of dust, in the vast cosmic arena is here! That’s home. Home to every being who ever existed. From the greats of every moment in time, to the miniatures, from the greatest saint, to the worst sinner, from the richest to the poor, from the most influential to the most insignificant; everyone who ever lived, lived out their lives on that speck of dust.” -Carl Sagan



→ As you wander through the labyrinthine aisles of the game convention, you suddenly realize you have no idea where you are. It’s as if the game NPCs have conspired to turn the tables on you!

You pull out your trusty map, which looks more like a treasure map than anything practical. Squinting at it under the dim convention hall lights, you try to decipher the cryptic symbols. “Is that a boss fight booth or the restrooms?”

You decide to ask for directions and spot someone in an elaborate cosplay as a character from your favorite game. Excited, you approach them, thinking they must know the convention layout like the back of their hand.

“Hey! Excuse me, can you help me find the exit?” you ask politely.

The cosplayer, deep in character, dramatically responds, “Fear not, adventurer! You have stumbled into the darkest depths of the convention realm. To find the exit, you must first complete three quests and obtain the rarest of loot!”

You blink in disbelief. “Wait, what? I just need to leave.”

The cosplayer doesn’t break character and starts listing the quests, which involve taking selfies with various game characters, defeating virtual monsters in a VR game, and finding the hidden treasure chest filled with convention swag.

You sigh and decide to embark on this unexpected journey. As you take selfies with people dressed as knights, wizards, and aliens, you can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. It’s like a real-life RPG, and you’re the unwitting hero.

After completing the quests and collecting your loot (a bag full of freebies and goodies), you finally find your way to the exit. As you step outside, you can’t help but chuckle at the adventure you’ve just had.

You might have gotten lost at the game convention, but you also gained a hilarious story to share with your friends. Who knew that navigating a convention hall could be as challenging as a video game quest?



→ A musical look at conventions:


→ Which language do you need?

    • Dutch: Ik ben verdwaald, kunt u mij helpen?
    • German: Ich bin verloren, kannst du mir helfen?
    • French: Je suis perdu, pouvez-vous m’aider ?
    • Spanish: Estoy perdido, ¿puedes ayudarme?
    • Chinese: 我迷路了,你能帮助我吗?
    • Welsh: Rydw i ar goll, allwch chi fy helpu?
    • Esperanto: Mi estas perdita, ĉu vi povas helpi min?


